I have changed the title of this blog from "Figuratively Speaking" to "Primary Colors" because I have discovered the joy of painting with a limited pallette in oils. My subject matter will now include "plein air" landscapes and street scenes as well as figurative work. I am working exclusively with cadmium yellow light, cadmium red light, ultramarine blue, and titanium white. I wish to explore these colors thoroughly and discover the many color combinations possible with just this pallette. Thank you for visiting this site and I hope you will return regularly to check on my progress.

Monday, April 16, 2007

"A Walk Down Newbury Street-Boston", W/C,14 x 21

Good morning on this wet Patriots Day. When I went to bed last night I knew my studio would not survive the relentless rain unscathed. I woke up to at least an inch of water on the studio floor, so needless to say, there will be no daily painting today.

I am posting a picture of a watercolor that I did yesterday afternoon as a demonstration for the Andover Art Guild. This is a half sheet painting, 14" x 21", and is for sale for $250.00, unframed. Anyone Interested in buying it can e-mail me. If not sold by May 1, it will be exhibited at the Beebe Estate Gallery during May.

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