I have changed the title of this blog from "Figuratively Speaking" to "Primary Colors" because I have discovered the joy of painting with a limited pallette in oils. My subject matter will now include "plein air" landscapes and street scenes as well as figurative work. I am working exclusively with cadmium yellow light, cadmium red light, ultramarine blue, and titanium white. I wish to explore these colors thoroughly and discover the many color combinations possible with just this pallette. Thank you for visiting this site and I hope you will return regularly to check on my progress.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

"Resting", 5" x 7", Oil on masonite

I paint from life every monday evening with the Malden Sketch Group. If anyone would like more information on this group please email me at sutsign@hotmail.com.

This was not painted at the sketch group, but in my studio. I have discovered a great resource for figure artists on the internet that lets you download (for a fee) a model pose that can be manipulated in various ways. This literally allows you to draw or paint hundreds of different poses from the one download. If you want info on this please let me know. I will soon add this link to this site.

Bid On This Painting Now

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