I have changed the title of this blog from "Figuratively Speaking" to "Primary Colors" because I have discovered the joy of painting with a limited pallette in oils. My subject matter will now include "plein air" landscapes and street scenes as well as figurative work. I am working exclusively with cadmium yellow light, cadmium red light, ultramarine blue, and titanium white. I wish to explore these colors thoroughly and discover the many color combinations possible with just this pallette. Thank you for visiting this site and I hope you will return regularly to check on my progress.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Upcoming Show

This week will be sparse with daily paintings as I am preparing for a Three Artist Show this coming weekend. I am posting a picture of an oil painting that I have just finished for the show. Entitled "Venetian Twilight", Oil on Birch Plywood, 20" x 24", it is a view of the Venice Lagoon from one of the many bridges. The foreground structures are the water bus kiosks with the beautiful Santa Maria della Salute in the background.

Click Here for info about the upcoming show

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